Let’s talk about sex. Yeah, I said it, SEX. Oh dear darling me, as I am wont to do, I’ve broached a taboo topic. Why is it that everyone is so afraid to talk about it? Get real people, everyone does it. I’m not trying to be obscene or vulgar. I’m just curious. We live in a society where sex is a monumental cultural theme, yet we’re so squeamish when it gets down to straight up talking about sex.
This particular seed of thought was planted in my head upon reading “may i feel said he” by e.e. cummings. There are multiple ways to interpret this poem. This poem is about a sexual encounter between a woman and a married man. The different interpretations of this poem leave for the reader to decide whether the woman was using sex as power over the man, or if the woman was a naïve, inexperienced and hesitant young lady being taken advantage of by a married man. Following the latter method of interpretation, I find myself reflecting upon the sexual education of young women in the early nineteen hundreds. The best word to describe sex education for women in the early nineteen hundreds is nonexistent.
Ignorance is a terrible thing, especially in sex education. An ignorance that today causes many unplanned pregnancies as well as a wealth of sexually transmitted infections. I know that most, if not all, students today take a health class in high school or middle school. However, not everyone is getting the same education. Especially in schools that support an abstinence-only sex education. While that may be okay for the kids that choose abstinence, it creates a huge problem for those that don’t. I can think of a million reasons to support comprehensive sexuality education in schools and not a single legitimate reason to teach abstinence-only sex education.
I am not so naïve as to think that just because someone might agree with me about the necessity of sex education, that they will feel free to ask any of their friends, teachers or parents about sex without hesitation. Here is where the Internet can be a godsend. It’s true that you can find just about anything online, but when it comes to sex education, it’s important to get the right information. Reliable sources aren’t hard to find. There is a wealth of reliable sex education sites.
Sacrleteen: Sex ed for the real word. Scarleteen is the highest-ranked website for sex education and sexuality advice online. Scarleteen provides online static content, interactive services, referrals, offline teen outreach, mentoring and leadership, and much more.
Sex, etc.: Sex education by teens, for teens. While Scarleteen offers a great way to confidentially seek answers from trusted adults, Sex, etc. is a great way to connect with other teens on the topic of sex education.
Planned Parenthood: Teen Talk. I know a lot of people only think about Planned Parenthood in relation to free health clinics, but Planned Parenthood is also a great source for information about teen sexuality, as well as safe sex.
Like it is: The name says it all, this site talks about sex like it is! Although this site is directed toward citizens of Australia and the UK, it’s still an awesome site.
Think you already know all you need to know? Try out some games to see just how much you really know. =]
Sarah Knaggs,
I have to say that i like this post so much. It is very interesting and you show that you are in control here. The blog post talks about such a "interesting" topic and relates it back to poetry as well. Overall great job sarah and i love the language used throughout the poem.
Great Job!
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